Thursday, October 11, 2007

Taking one for the team?

I've been invited (arm-twisted) to play flag football with a few of my co-workers as part of our all-hands' kool-aid drinking session next week. I'm under no illusions: they are pretty desparate players right now.

It's a good thing there's an ER across the street.

Update on the football:

So far, so good during my first practice. I actually managed to catch the ball (more than once even!) and I think I'll be attempting to block the QB on defense.

The bad news is that we are barely making the minimum number of players due to some unscrupulous recruitment (aka cherry-picking) of my group by other managers. It could be a loooong game. (At least one of the other 3 teams has almost 3x the number of players that we do!)

Next practice on Monday.


Wennndy said...

LOL!!!! Let us know how it goes, k? I can't wait to hear. :)

Anonymous said...

Good lord! Well, at least they didn't suggest tackling...

RM said...

LOL, trust me: they didn't suggest tackling for their own good! At 38, I'm about the youngest person on our team.

There's a fair amount of smack talking going on via emails. It was actually funny when I realized that the 2 loudest who were cutting each other down are on the same team!

Silly Boyz.