Thursday, September 27, 2007


I'm starting to feel human again, or maybe that's just the drugs talking. Ha!

I'm hoping to get some kind of exercise today. At a minimum, I'll be out walking the dog. :)

This is just sad:

So far, my mostly liquid diet is not too bad. I whipped up a smoothie to make sure I'm getting enough calories, protein, etc. for breakfast, and juiced some fruit to drink through the morning. I managed some soup at lunch time because I was craving salt.

For an afternoon snack, I decided to have one of the high protein Slimfasts I bought in January. It's chocolate, and that makes it almost a treat right? Except that it froze. I've now had about 2/3 of it and I'm sitting here willing it to finish melting.

Sad, sad, sad.

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