Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I'm a little punchy today.

I've been dealing with an assortment of technical problems, including my home phone going out last night. Lovely. Just lovely.

Workout-wise, I've decided to go back to the basics (sort of) and have been revisiting my old Firm workouts. So far, I've done: Firm Vol. 1, Vol. 6, and Prime Power Total Body.

Tuesday's workout: Core Cardio 2. "This is fun work." Eh, Tamela, not so much...


Anonymous said...

Did you enjoy the breathless moaning? Hehehehe. I can't do Firms any more, because I keep thinking of the Drew Barrymore skit on SNL, with the woman substituting the pencils for the weights. LOL

Wennndy said...

How are you liking the old Firms?

RM said...

LOL, Marie, I'd almost forgotten about that! There *were* more than a few shots that had me laughing. Really, was it necessary to have Dale Brabham demoing pelvic contractions while straddling her tall box?

Mostly, I do like the older Firms. I burnt myself out on them pretty good a few years ago but, in my efforts to get back to consistency, it's nice to pull out something familiar.