Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Attempting to resurrect this blog...

The past few months have been a real challenge for me on many levels. Winter is never my favorite time of year and this winter was particularly difficult. Nothing horrible happened, but there has been a lot going on in my life, and I just did not have much motivation for anything.

Anyhow, having a new workout room and some fantastic new equipment is not very helpful if you are not using it.

I know. That realization blew my mind too. ;)

It is not that I am not using my lovely new space and toys, but I am definitely not taking full advantage. So I have started a new running program. It is similar to the way I trained for the Disney Half Marathon but it incorporates more cross-training days to include strength training that I felt was missing. I do plan to run another Half this year but have not settled one in particular yet. This program will let me run outside as the weather warms up or use my treadmill on cold/wet days. I will use DVDs and my weight equipment for strength and non-running cardio.

My first run was Sunday when I ran the first leg of the Brew to Brew Relay. What a crazy race. 44 miles from Kansas City, MO, to Lawrence, KS. This was a first: they were handing out beer at the START as well as at the FINISH. I was a little apprehensive at the start, but I held my own. The rest of the team was much younger and much faster, far more avid runners! (I might have finished a little sooner except for going off course and briefly getting lost. Don't ask.)

Thanks for hanging in.


Deb said...

Welcome back! I've missed reading your blog.

RM said...

Hi, Deb!

Not sure what is up with the crazy format, though. There were paragraph breaks when it posted. Off to (attempt to) fix...

Laura said...

Yay! Rose is back!!!


Mr. Beer Belly said...

@Laura When are you coming back online too? Miss ya!