Thursday, August 04, 2011

Finally a Break in the Weather

I really try not to complain about the heat because, quite frankly, I will take this over the -20F-with-the-wind-and-blizzards conditions of last January but it has been brutal lately.

Of course, hot weather makes stupid people do stupid things. Like This. (I personally know at least 4 people who participated. It was madness.)

This morning for the first time in a month, I stepped outside at 6:30 am and it did not feel like I was stepping into a warm damp blanket.

1 comment:

Wennndy said...

I will take heat over frigid temps, too. Personally I like a nice 80-degree day (with a 65-degree morning and a 55-degree overnight low. :)). But if I had to choose between the biting cold and the soggy heat, I'd choose the heat almost every time.