Tuesday, August 16, 2011


...my name is Rose and it has been 2 weeks since I have had a diet Coke.

Quite frankly, this situation blows. I have more or less switched to brewed iced tea (who knew I had so many tea bags floating around my kitchen) so I am not dealing with caffeine withdrawl headaches but I still crave it.

I did not start out with a plan to give up diet Coke (again) but I realized last weekend that I had gone several days without and decided to see how long I can hold out. I have been told that it takes a month. We shall see.


blogpiper said...

Hi Rose!

We've all been there. The first step was admitting you have a problem. :)

Just wait until the next step when you switch from regular brewed tea to decaf!


RM said...

Thanks, John! LOL. For me it goes in waves, but it was starting to feel like a *problem* this summer.

I'm doing all right with the tea. I've tried switching between black and green but I have yet to find a green variety that doesn't taste like grass.