Thursday, December 22, 2011

Knitting Projects

Where I fail at blogging, I seem to have made up for in knitting projects this year. Here is a sample of what I have been making:

A Mobius Cowl because I'm a nerd like that. (It's actually a deep burgundy, not at all mauve.)

A Scarf that took way longer than it should have to complete. (Apparently counting to 2 is a problem for me.)

This little Halloween set was a gift for my namesake. For some reason, this photo looks FINE on my computer but uploading it to Blogger causes it to rotate 180 degrees.

Self-Explanatory, I trust? You didn't think Adrian would allow me to make things for everyone else EXCEPT her now, did you? (I should post an "after" photo. It lasted all of about 20 min before she figured out how to unravel it and pull out the stuffing.)


blogpiper said...

I read that as mobius COW, and was oddly disappointed.

Merry Christmas!

blogpiper said...

I read that as mobius COW, and was oddly disappointed.

Merry Christmas!

RM said...

LOL, that's too funny!

It was an interesting piece to make even if it was a royal PITA to complete. It's knit "in the round" with no seams instead of as a rectangle with the ends twisted and seamed together.