Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday, Monday...

Back at it this morning.

Yesterday's workout: Cathe Friedrich IMAX. Not a lot to say about this one. I didn't have a lot of energy, so it wasn't the best workout I had all week. I did make it through and managed not to fall off my step, so that's a good thing, right?

Tonight it will have to be something with weights. For some reason, my Core Secrets DVDs have been calling to me. We'll see.

Rolling my eyes here...

Do you need this? I know I do: SmartChocolate PMS Support

Workout update: I ended up choosing Core Secrets Full Body Challenge, a 45 minute strength training workout using a stability ball and dumbbells. I'm always a bit surprised that Gunnar doesn't use the ball for more challenging lower body work like hamstring roll-outs but I was able to modify a few of the moves to keep that area engaged. I do like his style. He's not quite as chatty as Tony and, sometimes, that's what I need.


Anonymous said...

I think the original IMAX is a pretty good workout, but I admit you have to be in a zone to do any IMAX at all. I prefer IMAX2 but I think IMAX 1 is good for those days you don't want the choreography. I can't do IMAX3 for the life of me - I think she went way too far in the other direction with this one.

RM said...

You make a good point.

Actually, I'd planned to do IMAX earlier in the day when I was 'in the zone' or at least somewhere in that vicinity. Instead, I putzed around, ran a couple of errands, did laundry, so by the time I got to it, it was all over.

I definitely prefer IMAX2 to IMAX1. Who doesn't love getting to the Pina Colada song?

IMAX3, I did exactly once. Too much jumping on and off the step. Maybe in a gym on a floor that isn't covered in dog fur, it's not so bad, but I'm not holding my breath!