Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Off to a good start this morning. Dinner is in the crockpot, so my evening should be pretty clear to get my workout out of the way early.

I haven't run in a week, so, weather-permitting, I'll do that tonight.

Update: we got some much-needed rain last night so I opted to workout indoors instead. CIA 2605: Cardio Camp with Kimberly Spreen. I am severely choreography-impaired when it comes to most hi/lo workouts. This one combines hi/lo routines with kickboxing and I was able to keep up fairly easily throughout. It was intense enough to get my heartrate up but simple enough that I didn't spend a frustrating hour tripping over my 2 left feet. The 'leg sculpting' was about 10 min of slow squats, lunges, and kicks with an emphasis on balance moves.

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